Today is a halfy, halfy, inny, ooty kind of day. The day and night are equal and we’re half way between midsummer and Christmas.
It’s a time to harvest what you’ve grown, created and learned this year.
However crap things have been, there will be positives to pull out of the mess.
One of the hardest nights of my life was earlier this year, in a mushroom ceremony where I ugly cried for about 8 hours. But, the harvesting of the magic from that intense time is still in ongoing today.
Ah ken it sounds like a stupid wall sticker from your aunties living room wall, and not very helpful to hear when you’re baw deep in an absolute shit show, but….. your hardest moments bring the biggest growth.
🍄🟫🌿🐍🐸 (Side note- if you’re drawn to plant medicine, don’t be put off if you see someone post “try sitting with your feelings instead of psychedelics” I doubt they’ve ever been in ceremony.
You will feel things you didn’t know you could. You’ll face things long buried, but you’ll work them out. You’ll understand your life and your feelings better than ever before.
If you’re struggling with anything, past, present or future, find a medicine teacher and talk to them about it.) 🔥🍄🟫🙏
